Real Estate Astrology Alternatives – What Can Be Charted?

The overall intention is to gradually but surely recognize the fundamentals of astrology charting so that anybody can understand it. Now wish to discuss what could be charted. Precisely how many kinds of astrological charts are available for our use? Having said this, have been studying astrology a lengthy time and know of many graph applications, but doubt that know all them. Encounter new applications of astrology daily. So here is a start to could be charted list.

Real Estate Astrologe

If you have read or StudiedĀ real estate astrology whatsoever, you already know you could chart the life span of a person and that is called a natal chart. But you are not limited to charting an individual and you are not confined to the use of a natal chart only. When a litter of kittens was born in my home, it seemed natural to throw a graph, or rather four graphs, and one for each kitty. Born close together in time, the kittens had very different outcomes to their own lives just as people do. 1 little man met his doom fairly fast. One was given to a good friend and had a wonderful, pampered life. Two remained with me for several years; one died at age 11, the other at age 19. A difference of a couple of minutes of arrival time gave quite different outcomes. Years ago took a workshop from a renowned astrologer who raised thoroughbred racehorses. She used the graphs to ascertain which horses could make the finest long-term investment.

Many astrologers use their abilities to gamble just as any other individual. A buddy had a horse-betting system which to me just did not live up to its hype astrologically. Another buddy bet on the dog races. A few years ago had a customer who had won well over 100,000 in 3 days and wanted a repeat. Plotted and planned but did not observe a similar energy pattern for her earlier triumph. There are astrological gambling books available if you are interested, just being careful and do a little practicing until you commit. While not billed as betting, financial and stock trading is a significant category for some very successful astrological investors. Personally, think that this is a form of gambling; however if done astrologically, you need to have a far greater probability of winning. You do have to focus on the continually changing routines. Once bought a penny stock at 50cents a share, which thrillingly climbed to 10 a share in a really short time. Went on holiday, was not paying attention and arrived home to an outright, bottom of the barrel reduction.

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